• Randi

    New Website!

    Last weekend, I decided to upgrade to this fancy new blog-site format.  You like it?  I do! It has taken me until now, nearly a full 6 days (forever in internet time) to “launch” the site because of problems with my hosting company and the functionality of their servers.  You might have noticed this if you have visited recently and clicked on any of the tabs at the top of the page that link within this blog-site. I was working on Saturday afternoon, rerouting all of my URLs to direct to my new site home www.randivossphotography.com. I’m not an expert at writing code, by any stretch of the imagination, but…

  • Randi

    Downhill on Two Sticks

    Photos from my ski day on Wednesday at Seven Springs Resort, near Pittsburgh.  Most, if not all, of the snow at Seven Springs was naturally made by the blizzard earlier this month, which made for great conditions. If I had snowshoes, I would have gone for a hike. Jay skiing backwards Jay’s new K2’s next to my OAB Salomons So happy to be riding the ski lift.  Photo by Jay. Jay getting some sweet air. Too cool for school Jay has a peacock butt like his sister Jessi did at her wedding last year. There were very few skiers on a Wednesday afternoon, and we were thankful for that.

  • ShotBox

    Dinner and a ShotBox

    Somewhere in 2005 I was asked to join a “Cooking Club” by some of my friend in Virginia, where I was living at the time.  “I would love to!” I said, not knowing that the members would soon become some of my great friends and photography clients.  Being invited into a Cooking Club is not a gesture to be taken lightly.  These ladies are trusting you to bring part of their dinner to the expertly planned event.  Don’t miss it. How it Works:  One lovely lady hosts the event at her home each month, most often a weeknight dinner.  She chooses the themed menu and usually cooks the main course. …

  • Travel

    Giant Shoe Bathtub

    I recently visited my good friend Jennifer at her home in New York City.  A few images from my snow-free journey. Just before lunch at Grey Dog Cafe on Carmine St. And a window in SoHo.  Giant shoe bathtub covered with Italian glass tiles–a must have. Favorite of the day. You can see my reflection in the window–and my white hat.

  • Randi

    Snowy Night

    Hey, did anyone notice that it was snowy in Pittsburgh? I sure did! Some photos from last night while Ryan was clearing snow.  I helped with a garden shovel, but it was not as effective as Ryan’s actual snow shovel. Winter wonderland! He is going to be tired from throwing snow. Looks cool! Looks like an off-camera light, huh?  Lilac near the McLaughlin”s house. Self portrait next to parking-space-saving cones. I made this for Ryan on his windshield.  It was covered in snow 2 minutes later. There he is!  Ryan, from Minnesota, requires no coat. Brr!!!